A new and improved path to getting paid.
Remote Dental Billing SERVICES
Every step in the payment process is an important one to ensure prompt and accurate payment. Claim denials are costly to your team, taking up your team’s valuable time and energy and diverting attention away from patient care.
Your patient’s experience is our top priority, and that’s why we discreetly operate in the background to minimize any disruption to your daily workflow.
Insurance Billing Experts
We supply a dedicated billing representative that handles everything from claim submission, posting payments, and accounts receivable follow up. Whether your practice needs a long-term billing team or an AR clean-up, we customize an AR plan for you. You only pay for what you actually need and you’ll collect more…guaranteed. Outsource your dental billing to our company and get paid faster.

Level 1
- Ideal for dental offices with insurance collections under $40,000 per month.
Level 2
- Ideal for dental offices with insurance collections between $40,000 and $100,000 per month.
Level 3
- Ideal for dental offices with insurance collections between $100,000 and $200,000 per month.
- Ideal for enterprise dental offices with insurance collections over $200,000 per month.
Utilize Your Current Electronic Claims System
Get Paid Faster
We Operate in the Background
Ledgers Updated
Claims are Tracked
We Are Here For You

Get Paid Faster

Free up your staff resources to keep the focus on increasing revenue flow and providing exceptional care.

Patient Accounts Receivable Management
Adams Dental Consulting provides outsourced dental billing expertise which allows your office staff to have the beneficial time they need in order to provide exceptional patient care. Our dedicated billing representative handles everything from account review, monthly electronic statement processing, courtesy balance calls, and past due balance letters.
Our Patient AR Management Specialists are experts in auditing patient accounts and ensuring accurate information is reflected and sent to the patient in the most efficient manner possible. We utilize your current electronic statement submission system and review each statement before it is sent to reduce the chance of an administrative error.